Source code for

Allele frequency calculations.

See also the examples at:


"""  # noqa

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, \

# third party dependencies
import numpy as np

# internal dependencies
import anhima

def _check_genotypes(genotypes):
    Internal function to check the genotypes input argument meets


    genotypes = np.asarray(genotypes)
    assert genotypes.ndim >= 2

    if genotypes.ndim == 2:
        # assume haploid, add ploidy dimension
        genotypes = genotypes[..., np.newaxis]

    return genotypes

[docs]def is_variant(genotypes): """Find variants with at least one non-reference allele observation. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). Returns ------- is_variant : ndarray, bool An array of shape (n_variants,) where an element is True if there are at least `min_ac` non-reference alleles found for the corresponding variant. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ # check inputs genotypes = _check_genotypes(genotypes) # aggregate over samples and ploidy dimensions out = np.sum(genotypes > 0, axis=(1, 2)) >= 1 return out
[docs]def count_variant(genotypes): """Count variants with at least one non-reference allele observed. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). min_ac : int, optional The minimum number of non-reference alleles required to consider variant. Returns ------- n : int The number of variants. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ return np.count_nonzero(is_variant(genotypes))
[docs]def is_non_variant(genotypes): """Find variants with no non-reference alleles. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). Returns ------- is_non_variant : ndarray, bool An array of shape (n_variants,) where an element is True if there are no non-reference alleles found for the corresponding variant. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ # check inputs genotypes = _check_genotypes(genotypes) # aggregate over samples and ploidy dimensions out = np.all(genotypes <= 0, axis=(1, 2)) return out
[docs]def count_non_variant(genotypes): """Count variants with no non-reference alleles. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). Returns ------- n : int The number of variants. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ return np.count_nonzero(is_non_variant(genotypes))
[docs]def is_singleton(genotypes, allele=1): """Find variants with only a single instance of `allele` observed. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). allele : int, optional The allele to find singletons of. Returns ------- is_singleton : ndarray, bool An array of shape (n_variants,) where an element is True if there is a single instance of `allele` observed. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants, but note this function checks for a specific `allele`. """ # check inputs genotypes = _check_genotypes(genotypes) # aggregate over samples and ploidy dimensions out = np.sum(genotypes == allele, axis=(1, 2)) == 1 return out
[docs]def count_singletons(genotypes, allele=1): """Count variants with only a single instance of `allele` observed. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). allele : int, optional The allele to find singletons of. Returns ------- n : int The number of variants. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants, but note this function checks for a specific `allele`. """ return np.count_nonzero(is_singleton(genotypes, allele))
[docs]def is_doubleton(genotypes, allele=1): """Find variants with only two instances of `allele` observed. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). allele : int, optional The allele to find doubletons of. Returns ------- is_doubleton : ndarray, bool An array of shape (n_variants,) where an element is True if there are exactly two instances of `allele` observed. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants, but note this function checks for a specific `allele`. """ # check inputs genotypes = _check_genotypes(genotypes) # aggregate over samples and ploidy dimensions out = np.sum(genotypes == allele, axis=(1, 2)) == 2 return out
[docs]def count_doubletons(genotypes, allele=1): """Count variants with only two instances of `allele` observed. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). allele : int, optional The allele to find doubletons of. Returns ------- n : int The number of variants. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants, but note this function checks for a specific `allele`. """ return np.count_nonzero(is_doubleton(genotypes, allele))
[docs]def allele_number(genotypes): """Count the number of non-missing allele calls per variant. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). Returns ------- an : ndarray, int An array of shape (n_variants,) counting the total number of non-missing alleles observed. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ # check inputs genotypes = _check_genotypes(genotypes) # aggregate over samples and ploidy dimensions an = np.sum(genotypes >= 0, axis=(1, 2)) return an
[docs]def allele_count(genotypes, allele=1): """Calculate number of observations of the given allele per variant. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). allele : int, optional The allele to count. Returns ------- ac : ndarray, int An array of shape (n_variants,) counting the number of times the given `allele` was observed. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants, but note that this function calculates the frequency of a specific `allele`. """ # check inputs genotypes = _check_genotypes(genotypes) # aggregate over samples and ploidy dimensions ac = np.sum(genotypes == allele, axis=(1, 2)) return ac
[docs]def allele_frequency(genotypes, allele=1): """Calculate frequency of the given allele per variant. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). allele : int, optional The allele to calculate the frequency of. Returns ------- an : ndarray, int An array of shape (n_variants,) counting the total number of non-missing alleles observed. ac : ndarray, int An array of shape (n_variants,) counting the number of times the given `allele` was observed. af : ndarray, float An array of shape (n_variants,) containing the allele frequency. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants, but note that this function calculates the frequency of a specific `allele`. """ # count non-missing alleles an = allele_number(genotypes) # count alleles ac = allele_count(genotypes, allele=allele) # calculate allele frequency, accounting for missingness err = np.seterr(invalid='ignore') af = np.where(an > 0, ac / an, 0) np.seterr(**err) return an, ac, af
[docs]def allele_counts(genotypes, alleles=None): """Calculate allele counts per variant. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). alleles : sequence of ints, optional The alleles to count. If not specified, all alleles will be counted. Returns ------- ac : ndarray, int An array of shape (n_variants, n_alleles) counting the number of times the given `alleles` were observed. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ # check input genotypes = _check_genotypes(genotypes) # determine number of variants n_variants = genotypes.shape[0] # if alleles not specified, count all alleles if alleles is None: m = np.amax(genotypes) alleles = range(m+1) # count alleles ac = np.zeros((n_variants, len(alleles)), dtype='i4') for i, allele in enumerate(alleles): np.sum(genotypes == allele, axis=(1, 2), out=ac[:, i]) return ac
[docs]def allele_frequencies(genotypes, alleles=None): """Calculate allele frequencies per variant. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). alleles : sequence of ints, optional The alleles to calculate the frequency of. If not specified, all alleles will be counted. Returns ------- an : ndarray, int An array of shape (n_variants,) counting the total number of non-missing alleles observed. ac : ndarray, int An array of shape (n_variants, n_alleles) counting the number of times the given `alleles` were observed. af : ndarray, float An array of shape (n_variants, n_alleles) containing the allele frequencies. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ # count non-missing alleles an = allele_number(genotypes)[:, np.newaxis] # count alleles ac = allele_counts(genotypes, alleles=alleles) # calculate allele frequencies, accounting for missingness err = np.seterr(invalid='ignore') af = np.where(an > 0, ac / an, 0) np.seterr(**err) return an, ac, af
[docs]def allelism(genotypes): """Determine the number of distinct alleles found for each variant. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). Returns ------- n : ndarray, int An array of shape (n_variants,) where an element holds the allelism of the corresponding variant. See Also -------- max_allele Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ # check inputs genotypes = _check_genotypes(genotypes) # calculate allele counts ac = allele_counts(genotypes) # count alleles present n = np.sum(ac > 0, axis=1) return n
[docs]def is_non_segregating(genotypes, allele=None): """Find non-segregating variants (fixed for a single allele). Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). allele : int, optional If given, find variants fixed with respect to `allele`. Otherwise find variants fixed for any allele. Returns ------- is_non_segregating : ndarray, bool An array of shape (n_variants,) where an element is True if all genotype calls for the corresponding variant are either missing or equal to the same allele. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ # check inputs genotypes = _check_genotypes(genotypes) if allele is None: # count distinct alleles n_alleles = allelism(genotypes) # find fixed variants out = n_alleles == 1 else: # find fixed variants with respect to a specific allele out = np.all((genotypes < 0) | (genotypes == allele), axis=(1, 2)) return out
[docs]def count_non_segregating(genotypes, allele=None): """Count non-segregating variants. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). allele : int, optional If given, find variants fixed with respect to `allele`. Returns ------- n : int The number of variants. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ return np.count_nonzero(is_non_segregating(genotypes, allele=allele))
[docs]def is_segregating(genotypes): """Find segregating variants (where more than one allele is observed). Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). Returns ------- is_segregating : ndarray, bool An array of shape (n_variants,) where an element is True if more than one allele is found for the given variant. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ # check inputs genotypes = _check_genotypes(genotypes) # count distinct alleles n_alleles = allelism(genotypes) # find segregating variants out = n_alleles > 1 return out
[docs]def count_segregating(genotypes): """Count segregating variants. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). Returns ------- n : int The number of variants. Notes ----- Applicable to polyploid genotype calls. Applicable to multiallelic variants. """ return np.count_nonzero(is_segregating(genotypes))
[docs]def maximum_likelihood_ancestry(genotypes, qa, qb, filter_size=0): """Given alternate allele frequencies in two populations `qa` and `qb`, predict the ancestry for a set of `genotypes`. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of diploid genotype calls of shape (n_variants, n_samples, 2) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). qa : array_like, float A 1-dimensional array of shape (n_variants, ) containing alternate allele frequencies for population A. qb : array_like, float A 1-dimensional array of shape (n_variants, ) containing alternate allele frequencies for population B. filter_size : int, optional Sum likelihoods in a moving window of size `filter_size`. Returns ------- ancestry : ndarray, int, shape (n_variants, n_samples) An array containing the ancestry predictions, where 0 = AA (both alleles derive from population A), 1 = AB (hybrid ancestry) and 2 = BB (both alleles derive from population B), and -1 = ambiguous (models are equally likely). confidence : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants, n_samples) The confidence in the ancestry prediction (natural logarithm of the likelihood ratio for the two most likely models). Notes ----- Where allele frequencies are similar between populations A and B, ancestry predictions will have low confidence, because different ancestry models will have similar likelihoods. Greater confidence will be obtained by filtering variants to select those where the difference in allele frequencies is greater. E.g.:: >>> flt = np.abs(qa - qb) > .5 >>> genotypes_flt = genotypes[flt] >>> qa_flt = qa[flt] >>> qb_flt = qb[flt] >>> ancestry, confidence = maximum_likelihood_ancestry(genotypes_flt, qa_flt, qb_flt) """ # noqa # check inputs genotypes = _check_genotypes(genotypes) # require biallelic genotypes assert np.amax(genotypes) < 2 n_variants, n_samples, ploidy = genotypes.shape # require diploid genotypes assert ploidy == 2 qa = np.asarray(qa) qb = np.asarray(qb) assert qa.ndim == qb.ndim == 1 assert n_variants == qa.shape[0] == qb.shape[0] # calculate reference allele frequencies, assuming biallelic variants pa = 1 - qa pb = 1 - qb # work around zero frequencies which cause problems when calculating logs pa[pa == 0] = np.exp(-250) qa[qa == 0] = np.exp(-250) pb[pb == 0] = np.exp(-250) qb[qb == 0] = np.exp(-250) # calculate likelihoods logpa = np.log(pa) logqa = np.log(qa) logpb = np.log(pb) logqb = np.log(qb) # set up likelihoods array n_models = 3 n_gn_states = 3 log_likelihoods = np.empty((n_variants, n_samples, n_models, n_gn_states), dtype='f8') # probability of genotype (e.g., 0 = hom ref) given model (e.g., 0 = aa) log_likelihoods[:, :, 0, 0] = (2 * logpa)[:, np.newaxis] log_likelihoods[:, :, 1, 0] = (np.log(2) + logpa + logqa)[:, np.newaxis] log_likelihoods[:, :, 2, 0] = (2 * logqa)[:, np.newaxis] log_likelihoods[:, :, 0, 1] = (logpa + logpb)[:, np.newaxis] log_likelihoods[:, :, 1, 1] = (np.logaddexp(logpa + logqb, logqa + logpb)[:, np.newaxis]) log_likelihoods[:, :, 2, 1] = (logqa + logqb)[:, np.newaxis] log_likelihoods[:, :, 0, 2] = (2 * logpb)[:, np.newaxis] log_likelihoods[:, :, 1, 2] = (np.log(2) + logpb + logqb)[:, np.newaxis] log_likelihoods[:, :, 2, 2] = (2 * logqb)[:, np.newaxis] # transform genotypes for convenience gn = # calculate actual model likelihoods for each genotype call model_likelihoods = np.empty((n_variants, n_samples, n_models), dtype='f8') model_likelihoods.fill(-250) for model in 0, 1, 2: for gn_state in 0, 1, 2: model_likelihoods[:, :, model][gn == gn_state] = \ log_likelihoods[:, :, model, gn_state][gn == gn_state] # optionally combine likelihoods in a moving window if filter_size: model_likelihoods = np.apply_along_axis(np.convolve, 0, model_likelihoods, np.ones((filter_size,))) # remove edges model_likelihoods = \ model_likelihoods[filter_size//2:-1*(filter_size//2), ...] # predict ancestry as model with highest likelihood ancestry = np.argmax(model_likelihoods, axis=2) # calculate confidence by comparing first and second most likely models model_likelihoods.sort(axis=2) confidence = model_likelihoods[:, :, 2] - model_likelihoods[:, :, 1] # recind prediction where confidence is zero (models are equally likely) ancestry[confidence == 0] = -1 return ancestry, confidence