Source code for anhima.h5

Utility functions for working with data stored in HDF5 files.

**HDF5 file convention for variant call sets**

Note that this module assumes that data for a variant call set has been
organised in an HDF5 file following a particular convention. Briefly,
the convention is as follows.

An HDF5 file may contain one or more call sets. Each call set is stored
within a separate group. A call set may be stored within the root group.

Within each call set, data are grouped by chromosome.

Within each chromosome group, there are two subgroups,
named `variants` and `calldata`.

The `variants` group contains one or more datasets holding data on the
variants in the call set. The first dimension of all `variants` datasets
must have the same length, being the number of variants on the chromosome.

The `variants` group must contain a `POS` dataset holding the genome
positions of the variants.

The `calldata` group contains one or more datasets holding data relating to
genotype calls. The first dimension of all `calldata` datasets must have
the same length, being the number of variants on the chromosome. The second
dimension of all `calldata` datasets must have the same length,
being the number of samples in the cohort.

In addition to the above, a `samples` dataset may be stored within the
callset, providing a list of labels or identifiers for the samples in the
cohort. This `samples` dataset may be stored as a child of the callset group
and/or as a child of the chromosome groups.

So, for example, an HDF5 file containing a SNP call set for a cohort of
*Anopheles gambiae* samples with chromosomes (2R, 2L, 3R, 3L, X)
might be organised as follows::

    / [callset group]
    /samples [dataset, shape (n_samples,), dtype string]
    /2L [chromosome group]
    /2L/variants [variants group]
    /2L/variants/POS [dataset, shape (n_variants,), dtype int32]
    /2L/variants/REF [dataset, shape (n_variants,), dtype S1]
    /2L/variants/ALT [dataset, shape (n_variants, 3), dtype S1]
    /2L/variants/MQ [dataset, shape (n_variants,), dtype f4]
    /2L/calldata [calldata group]
    /2L/calldata/genotype [dataset, shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy), dtype int8]
    /2L/calldata/DP [dataset, shape (n_variants, n_samples), dtype=int32]

"""  # noqa

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, \

# standard library dependencies
import itertools

# third party dependencies
import numpy as np
import h5py
import numexpr

# internal dependencies
import anhima.loc

[docs]def load_region(callset, chrom, start_position=0, stop_position=None, variants_fields=None, calldata_fields=None, variants_query=None, samples=None): """Load data into memory from `callset` for the given region. Parameters ---------- callset : HDF5 file or group A file or group containing a variant call set. chrom : string The chromosome to extract data for. start_position : int, optional The start position for the region to extract data for. stop_position : int, optional The stop position for the region to extract data for. variants_fields : sequence of strings, optional Names of the variants datasets to extract. calldata_fields : sequence of strings, optional Names of the calldata datasets to extract. variants_query : string, optional A query to filter variants. Note that this query is applied after data for the region has been loaded, so any fields referenced in this query need to be included in `variants_fields`. samples : sequence of strings, optional Selected samples to extract. Returns ------- variants : dict A dictionary mapping dataset identifiers to ndarrays. calldata : dict A dictionary mapping dataset identifiers to ndarrays. """ # obtain chromosome group grp_chrom = callset[chrom] # setup output variables variants = dict() calldata = dict() # obtain variant positions pos = grp_chrom['variants']['POS'] # select samples needs list of all samples, check one is stored in the # callset and fail early if not all_samples = None if samples is not None: # find all samples if 'samples' in callset.keys(): all_samples = list(callset['samples']) elif 'samples' in grp_chrom.keys(): all_samples = list(grp_chrom['samples']) else: raise Exception('list of all samples not found in callset') # locate region loc = anhima.loc.locate_interval(pos, start_position, stop_position) # extract variants data if variants_fields: if isinstance(variants_fields, basestring): variants_fields = [variants_fields] for f in variants_fields: variants[f] = grp_chrom['variants'][f][loc, ...] # extract calldata if calldata_fields: if isinstance(calldata_fields, basestring): calldata_fields = [calldata_fields] for f in calldata_fields: calldata[f] = grp_chrom['calldata'][f][loc, ...] # select variants if variants_query is not None: condition = numexpr.evaluate(variants_query, local_dict=variants) for f in variants: variants[f] = np.compress(condition, variants[f], axis=0) for f in calldata: calldata[f] = np.compress(condition, calldata[f], axis=0) # select samples if samples is not None: sample_indices = [all_samples.index(s) for s in samples] for f in calldata: calldata[f] = np.take(calldata[f], sample_indices, axis=1) return variants, calldata
[docs]def take2d_pointsel(dataset, row_indices=None, col_indices=None, block_size=1000): """ Load selected rows and optionally columns from an HDF5 dataset with 2 or more dimensions, using HDF5 point selections. Parameters ---------- dataset : HDF5 dataset The dataset to load data from. row_indices : sequence of ints, optional The indices of the selected rows. If not provided, all rows will be returned. col_indices : sequence of ints, optional The indices of the selected columns. If not provided, all columns will be returned. block_size : int, optional The size (in number of points) of the block of data to load and process at a time. Returns ------- out : ndarray An array containing the selected rows and columns. See Also -------- anhima.util.take2d Notes ----- This function is similar to :func:`anhima.util.take2d` but uses an HDF5 point selection under the hood. Performance characteristics will be different and may be much better or much worse, depending on the size, shape and configuration of the dataset, and depending on the number of points to be selected. """ n_rows_in = dataset.shape[0] if row_indices: row_indices = sorted(row_indices) n_rows_out = len(row_indices) else: # select all rows row_indices = xrange(n_rows_in) n_rows_out = n_rows_in n_cols_in = dataset.shape[1] if col_indices: # select all columns col_indices = sorted(col_indices) n_cols_out = len(col_indices) else: col_indices = xrange(n_cols_in) n_cols_out = n_cols_in n_items_out = n_rows_out * n_cols_out # initialise output array out = np.empty((n_items_out,), dtype=dataset.dtype) # convert indices into coordinates coords = itertools.product(row_indices, col_indices) # set up selection sel = h5py._hl.selections.PointSelection(dataset.shape) typ = h5py.h5t.py_create(dataset.dtype) # process blocks at a time for block_start in xrange(0, n_items_out, block_size): # materialise a block of coordinates selection = np.asarray(list(itertools.islice(coords, block_size))) # set selection sel.set(selection) # read data block_stop = block_start + len(selection) space = h5py.h5s.create_simple(sel.mshape), sel._id, out[block_start:block_stop], typ) # reshape output array out = out.reshape(n_rows_out, n_cols_out) return out
[docs]def save_tped(path, callset, chrom, start_position=0, stop_position=None, samples=None): """Save genotype data from an HDF5 callset to a Plink transposed format file (TPED). Parameters ---------- path : string or file-like Path of file to write, or file-like object to write to. callset : HDF5 file or group A file or group containing a variant call set. chrom : string The chromosome to extract data for. start_position : int, optional The start position for the region to extract data for. stop_position : int, optional The stop position for the region to extract data for. samples : sequence of strings, optional Selection of samples to extract genotypes for, defaults to all samples. Notes ----- Note that the current implementation loads all data from the requested region into memory before writing out to TPED, so may not be applicable to very large datasets. """ variants, calldata = load_region(callset, chrom, start_position, stop_position, variants_fields=['POS', 'REF', 'ALT'], calldata_fields=['genotype']) # determine samples that we will use if samples is None: genotypes = calldata['genotype'] else: h5_samples = callset[chrom]['samples'][:].tolist() genotypes = np.take( calldata['genotype'], [h5_samples.index(s) for s in samples], axis=1) ref = variants['REF'] alt = variants['ALT'] if alt.ndim > 1: alt = alt[:, 0] pos = variants['POS'], genotypes=genotypes, ref=ref, alt=alt, pos=pos, chromosome=chrom, identifier=None, genetic_distance=None)