Source code for

Input/output utilities.


from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, \

# third party dependencies
import numpy as np
import itertools

[docs]def save_tped(path, genotypes, ref, alt, pos, chromosome='0', identifier=None, genetic_distance=None): """Write biallelic diploid genotype data to a file using the Plink transposed format (TPED). Parameters ---------- path : string or file-like Path of file to write, or file-like object to write to. genotypes : array_like, int An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, 2) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, etc.). ref : array_like, string A 1-dimensional array of single character strings encoding the reference nucleotide. alt : array_like, string A 1-dimensional array of single character strings encoding the alternate nucleotide. pos : array_like, int A 1-dimensional array of genomic positions. chromosome : string or array_like, string, optional Either a single string (if all variants are from the same chromosome/contig) or an array of strings with the chromosome of each variant. identifier : array_like, string, optional An array of SNP identifiers. If not provided, identifiers will be created based on the variant position, e.g., 'snp100042', 'snp100081', etc. genetic_distance : array_like, float An array of genetic distances. If not provided, a zero value ('0') will be written for all variants. """ # check genotypes genotypes = np.asarray(genotypes) assert genotypes.ndim == 3 assert genotypes.shape[2] == 2, 'genotypes must be diploid' assert np.amax(genotypes) < 2, 'genotypes must be biallelic' n_variants = genotypes.shape[0] # check ref ref = np.asarray(ref) assert ref.ndim == 1 assert ref.shape[0] == n_variants # check alt alt = np.asarray(alt) assert alt.ndim == 1 assert alt.shape[0] == n_variants # check pos pos = np.asarray(pos) assert pos.ndim == 1 assert pos.shape[0] == n_variants # check chromosome if isinstance(chromosome, basestring): chromosome = np.array([chromosome] * n_variants) else: chromosome = np.asarray(chromosome) assert chromosome.ndim == 1 assert chromosome.shape[0] == n_variants # check identifier if identifier is None: identifier = np.array(['snp%s' % i for i in pos]) else: identifier = np.asarray(identifier) assert identifier.shape[0] == n_variants # check genetic distance if genetic_distance is None: genetic_distance = np.zeros((n_variants,)) else: genetic_distance = np.asarray(genetic_distance) assert genetic_distance.shape[0] == n_variants # setup output file tped_needs_closing = False if isinstance(path, basestring): tped_file = open(path, 'w') tped_needs_closing = True else: # assume file-like tped_file = path try: for row_data in itertools.izip(genotypes, ref, alt, pos, chromosome, identifier, genetic_distance): out_string = _get_tped_row(*row_data) tped_file.write(out_string + '\n') finally: if tped_needs_closing: tped_file.close()
def _convert_gts_to_strings(genotypes, ref, alt): lu = {-1: '0', 0: ref, 1: alt} return [lu[a] + ' ' + lu[b] for a, b in genotypes] def _get_tped_row(gt_data, reference, alternate, position, contig, iden, genetic_dist): str_gts = _convert_gts_to_strings(gt_data, reference, alternate) return "\t".join([contig, iden, str(genetic_dist), str(position)] + str_gts)