Source code for anhima.loc

Utilities for locating samples and variants.

See also the examples at:


"""  # noqa

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, \

# standard library dependencies
import random

# third party dependencies
import numpy as np
import numexpr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats

[docs]def view_sample(a, selection, all_samples=None): """View a single column from the array `a` corresponding to a selected sample. Parameters ---------- a : array_like An array with 2 or more dimensions, where the second dimension corresponds to samples. selection : int or object A sample identifier or column index. all_samples : sequence, optional A sequence (e.g., list) of sample identifiers corresponding to the second dimension of `a`, used to map `selection` to a column index. If not given, assume `selection` is a column index. Returns ------- b : ndarray An array obtained from `a` by taking the column corresponding to the selected sample. """ # check a is an array of 2 or more dimensions a = np.asarray(a) assert a.ndim > 1 if all_samples is None: # assume selection is an index index = selection else: # check length of samples dimension is as expected assert a.shape[1] == len(all_samples) # make sure it's a list all_samples = list(all_samples) # check selection is in all_samples assert selection in all_samples # determine indices for selected samples index = all_samples.index(selection) # view a column from the array b = a[:, index, ...] return b
[docs]def take_samples(a, selection, all_samples=None): """Extract columns from the array `a` corresponding to selected samples. Parameters ---------- a : array_like An array with 2 or more dimensions, where the second dimension corresponds to samples. selection : sequence of ints or objects A sequence of sample identifiers or column indices. all_samples : sequence, optional A sequence (e.g., list) of sample identifiers corresponding to the second dimension of `a`, used to map `selection` to column indices. If not given, assume `selection` is a sequence of column indices. Returns ------- b : ndarray An array obtained from `a` by taking columns corresponding to the selected samples. """ # check a is an array of 2 or more dimensions a = np.asarray(a) assert a.ndim > 1 if all_samples is None: # assume selection is column indices indices = selection else: # check length of samples dimension is as expected assert a.shape[1] == len(all_samples) # make sure it's a list all_samples = list(all_samples) # check selections are in all_samples assert all([s in all_samples for s in selection]) # determine indices for selected samples indices = [all_samples.index(s) for s in selection] # take columns from the array b = np.take(a, indices, axis=1) return b
[docs]def query_variants(expression, variants): """Evaluate `expression` with respect to the given `variants`. Parameters ---------- expression : string The query expression to apply. The expression will be evaluated by :mod:`numexpr` against the provided `variants`. variants : dict-like The variables to include in scope for the expression evaluation. Returns ------- result : ndarray The result of evaluating `expression` against `variants`. """ result = numexpr.evaluate(expression, local_dict=variants) return result
[docs]def compress_variants(a, condition): """Extract rows from the array `a` corresponding to a boolean `condition`. Parameters ---------- a : array_like An array to extract rows from (e.g., genotypes). condition : array_like, bool A 1-D boolean array of the same length as the first dimension of `a`. Returns ------- b : ndarray An array obtained from `a` by taking rows corresponding to the selected variants. See Also -------- take_variants, numpy.compress """ # check dimensions and sizes a = np.asarray(a) condition = np.asarray(condition) assert a.ndim >= 1 assert condition.ndim == 1 assert a.shape[0] == condition.shape[0] # compress rows from the input array b = np.compress(condition, a, axis=0) return b
[docs]def take_variants(a, indices, mode='raise'): """Extract rows from the array `a` corresponding to `indices`. Parameters ---------- a : array_like An array to extract rows from (e.g., genotypes). indices : sequence of integers The variant indices to extract. mode : {'raise', 'wrap', 'clip'}, optional Specifies how out-of-bounds indices will behave. Returns ------- b : ndarray An array obtained from `a` by taking rows corresponding to the selected variants. See Also -------- compress_variants, numpy.take """ # check dimensions and sizes a = np.asarray(a) assert a.ndim >= 1 # take rows from the input array b = np.take(a, indices, axis=0, mode=mode) return b
[docs]def locate_position(pos, p): """Locate the index of coordinate `p` within sorted array of genomic positions `pos`. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig, with no duplicates. p : int The position to locate. Returns ------- index : int or None The index of `p` in `pos` if present, else None. See Also -------- locate_positions, locate_interval, locate_intervals """ # check inputs pos = np.asarray(pos) # find position index = np.searchsorted(pos, p) print(p, index) if index < pos.size and pos[index] == p: return index else: return None
[docs]def view_position(a, pos, p): """View a slice along the first dimension of `a` corresponding to a genome position. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The array to extract from. pos : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig, with no duplicates. p : int The position to locate. Returns ------- b : ndarray A view of `a` obtained by slicing along the first dimension. See Also -------- locate_position """ # normalise inputs a = np.asarray(a) # determine region slice index = locate_position(pos, p) if index is not None: return a[index, ...] else: return None
[docs]def locate_interval(pos, start_position=0, stop_position=None): """Locate the start and stop indices within the `pos` array that include all positions within the `start_position` and `stop_position` range. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig. start_position : int Start position of interval. stop_position : int Stop position of interval Returns ------- loc : slice A slice object with the start and stop indices that include all positions within the interval. See Also -------- locate_position, locate_positions, locate_intervals """ # check inputs pos = np.asarray(pos) # locate start and stop indices start_index = np.searchsorted(pos, start_position) stop_index = np.searchsorted(pos, stop_position, side=b'right') \ if stop_position is not None else None loc = slice(start_index, stop_index) return loc
[docs]def view_interval(a, pos, start_position, stop_position): """View a contiguous slice along the first dimension of `a` corresponding to a genome interval defined by `start_position` and `stop_position`. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The array to extract from. pos : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig. start_position : int Start position of interval. stop_position : int Stop position of interval Returns ------- b : ndarray A view of `a` obtained by slicing along the first dimension. See Also -------- locate_interval """ # normalise inputs a = np.asarray(a) # determine region slice loc = locate_interval(pos, start_position, stop_position) return a[loc, ...]
[docs]def locate_positions(pos1, pos2): """Find the intersection of two sets of positions. Parameters ---------- pos1, pos2 : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig, with no duplicates. Returns ------- cond1 : ndarray, bool An array of the same length as `pos1` where an element is True if the corresponding item in `pos1` is also found in `pos2`. cond2 : ndarray, bool An array of the same length as `pos2` where an element is True if the corresponding item in `pos2` is also found in `pos1`. See Also -------- locate_position, locate_interval, locate_intervals """ # check inputs pos1 = np.asarray(pos1) pos2 = np.asarray(pos2) # find intersection cond1 = np.in1d(pos1, pos2, assume_unique=True) cond2 = np.in1d(pos2, pos1, assume_unique=True) return cond1, cond2
[docs]def locate_intervals(pos, start_positions, stop_positions): """Locate items within the `pos` array that fall within any of the intervals given by `start_positions` and `stop_positions`. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig. start_positions : array_like, int Start positions of intervals. stop_positions : array_like, int Stop positions of intervals Returns ------- cond1 : ndarray, bool An array of the same length as `pos` where an element is True if the corresponding item in `pos` is also found in any of the intervals. cond2 : ndarray, bool An array of the same length as the number of intervals, where an element is True if the corresponding interval contains one or more positions in `pos`. See Also -------- locate_position, locate_positions, locate_interval """ # check inputs pos = np.asarray(pos) assert pos.ndim == 1 start_positions = np.asarray(start_positions) stop_positions = np.asarray(stop_positions) assert start_positions.ndim == stop_positions.ndim == 1 assert start_positions.shape[0] == stop_positions.shape[0] # find indices of start and stop positions in pos start_indices = np.searchsorted(pos, start_positions) stop_indices = np.searchsorted(pos, stop_positions, side=b'right') # find intervals overlapping at least one position cond2 = start_indices < stop_indices # find positions within at least one interval cond1 = np.zeros_like(pos, dtype=np.bool) for i, j in zip(start_indices[cond2], stop_indices[cond2]): cond1[i:j] = True return cond1, cond2
[docs]def plot_variant_locator(pos, step=1, ax=None, start_position=None, stop_position=None, flip=False, line_args=None): """ Plot lines indicating the physical genome location of variants. By default the top x axis is in variant index space, and the bottom x axis is in genome position space. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig. step : int, optional Plot a line for every `step` variants. ax : axes, optional The axes on which to draw. If not provided, a new figure will be created. start_position : int, optional The start position for the region over which to work. stop_position : int, optional The stop position for the region over which to work. flip : bool, optional Flip the plot upside down. line_args : dict-like Additional keyword arguments passed through to `plt.Line2D`. Returns ------- ax : axes The axes on which the plot was drawn """ # set up axes if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 1)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # determine x axis limits if start_position is None: start_position = np.min(pos) if stop_position is None: stop_position = np.max(pos) ax.set_xlim(start_position, stop_position) # plot the lines if line_args is None: line_args = dict() line_args.setdefault('linewidth', .5) n_variants = len(pos) for i, p in enumerate(pos[::step]): xfrom = p xto = ( start_position + ((i * step / n_variants) * (stop_position-start_position)) ) l = plt.Line2D([xfrom, xto], [0, 1], **line_args) ax.add_line(l) # invert? if flip: ax.invert_yaxis() ax.xaxis.tick_top() else: ax.xaxis.tick_bottom() # tidy up ax.set_yticks([]) for l in 'left', 'right': ax.spines[l].set_visible(False) return ax
[docs]def windowed_variant_counts(pos, window_size, start_position=None, stop_position=None): """Count variants in non-overlapping windows over the genome. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig. window_size : int The size in base-pairs of the windows. start_position : int, optional The start position for the region over which to work. stop_position : int, optional The stop position for the region over which to work. Returns ------- counts : ndarray, int The number of variants in each window. bin_edges : ndarray, int The edge positions of each window. Note that this has length ``len(counts)+1``. To determine bin centers use ``(bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) / 2``. To determine bin widths use ``np.diff(bin_edges)``. See Also -------- windowed_variant_counts_plot, windowed_variant_density """ # determine bins if stop_position is None: stop_position = np.max(pos) if start_position is None: start_position = np.min(pos) bin_edges = np.append( np.arange(start_position, stop_position, window_size), stop_position ) # make a histogram of positions counts, _ = np.histogram(pos, bins=bin_edges) return counts, bin_edges
[docs]def plot_windowed_variant_counts(pos, window_size, start_position=None, stop_position=None, ax=None, plot_kwargs=None): """Plot windowed variant counts. Parameters ---------- Parameters ---------- pos : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig. window_size : int The size in base-pairs of the windows. start_position : int, optional The start position for the region over which to work. stop_position : int, optional The stop position for the region over which to work. ax : axes, optional The axes on which to draw. If not provided, a new figure will be created. plot_kwargs : dict-like Additional keyword arguments passed through to `plt.plot`. Returns ------- ax : axes The axes on which the plot was drawn. See Also -------- windowed_variant_counts, windowed_variant_density_plot """ # set up axes if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 2)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # count variants y, bin_edges = windowed_variant_counts(pos, window_size, start_position=start_position, stop_position=stop_position) # calculate bin centers bin_centers = (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) / 2 # plot data if plot_kwargs is None: plot_kwargs = dict() plot_kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', '-') plot_kwargs.setdefault('marker', None) ax.plot(bin_centers, y, **plot_kwargs) # tidy up ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.set_xlabel('position') ax.set_ylabel('count') if start_position is None: start_position = np.min(pos) if stop_position is None: stop_position = np.max(pos) ax.set_xlim(start_position, stop_position) return ax
[docs]def windowed_variant_density(pos, window_size, start_position=None, stop_position=None): """Calculate per-base-pair density of variants in non-overlapping windows over the genome. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig. window_size : int The size in base-pairs of the windows. start_position : int, optional The start position for the region over which to work. stop_position : int, optional The stop position for the region over which to work. Returns ------- density : ndarray, int The density of variants in each window. bin_edges : ndarray, int The edge positions of each window. Note that this has length ``len(density)+1``. To determine bin centers use ``(bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) / 2``. To determine bin widths use ``np.diff(bin_edges)``. See Also -------- windowed_variant_density_plot, windowed_variant_counts """ # count variants in windows counts, bin_edges = windowed_variant_counts(pos, window_size, start_position=start_position, stop_position=stop_position) bin_widths = np.diff(bin_edges) # convert to per-base-pair density density = counts / bin_widths return density, bin_edges
[docs]def plot_windowed_variant_density(pos, window_size, start_position=None, stop_position=None, ax=None, plot_kwargs=None): """Plot windowed variant density. Parameters ---------- Parameters ---------- pos : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig. window_size : int The size in base-pairs of the windows. start_position : int, optional The start position for the region over which to work. stop_position : int, optional The stop position for the region over which to work. ax : axes, optional The axes on which to draw. If not provided, a new figure will be created. plot_kwargs : dict-like Additional keyword arguments passed through to `plt.plot`. Returns ------- ax : axes The axes on which the plot was drawn. See Also -------- windowed_variant_density, windowed_variant_counts_plot """ # set up axes if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 2)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # count variants y, bin_edges = windowed_variant_density(pos, window_size, start_position=start_position, stop_position=stop_position) # calculate bin centers bin_centers = (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) / 2 # plot data if plot_kwargs is None: plot_kwargs = dict() plot_kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', '-') plot_kwargs.setdefault('marker', None) ax.plot(bin_centers, y, **plot_kwargs) # tidy up ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.set_xlabel('position') ax.set_ylabel('density') if start_position is None: start_position = np.min(pos) if stop_position is None: stop_position = np.max(pos) ax.set_xlim(start_position, stop_position) return ax
[docs]def windowed_statistic(pos, values, window_size, start_position=None, stop_position=None, statistic='mean'): """Calculate a statistic for `values` binned in non-overlapping windows over the genome. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like A sorted 1-dimensional array of genomic positions from a single chromosome/contig. values : array_like A 1-D array of the same length as `pos`. window_size : int The size in base-pairs of the windows. start_position : int, optional The start position for the region over which to work. stop_position : int, optional The stop position for the region over which to work. statistic : string or function The function to apply to values in each bin. Returns ------- stats : ndarray The values of the statistic within each bin. bin_edges : ndarray The edge positions of each window. Note that this has length ``len(stats)+1``. To determine bin centers use ``(bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) / 2``. To determine bin widths use ``np.diff(bin_edges)``. """ # determine bins if stop_position is None: stop_position = np.max(pos) if start_position is None: start_position = np.min(pos) bin_edges = np.append( np.arange(start_position, stop_position, window_size), stop_position ) # compute binned statistic stats, _, _ = scipy.stats.binned_statistic(pos, values=values, statistic=statistic, bins=bin_edges) return stats, bin_edges
[docs]def evenly_downsample_variants(a, k): """Evenly downsample an array along the first dimension to length `k` (or as near as possible), assuming the first dimension corresponds to variants. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The array to downsample. k : int The target number of variants. Returns ------- b : array_like A downsampled view of `a`. """ # normalise inputs a = np.asarray(a) # determine length of first dimension n_variants = a.shape[0] # determine step step = max(1, int(n_variants/k)) # take slice b = a[::step, ...] return b
[docs]def randomly_downsample_variants(a, k): """Evenly downsample an array along the first dimension to length `k`, assuming the first dimension corresponds to variants. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The array to downsample. k : int The k number of variants. Returns ------- b : array_like A downsampled copy of `a`. """ # normalise inputs a = np.asarray(a) # determine length of first dimension n_variants = a.shape[0] # sample indices indices = sorted(random.sample(range(n_variants), k)) # apply selection b = np.take(a, indices, axis=0) return b