Source code for anhima.pca

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utility functions for running principal components analysis and plotting the

See also the examples at:


"""  # noqa

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

# third party dependencies
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn.decomposition

[docs]def pca(gn, n_components=10, whiten=False): """Perform a principal components analysis of genotypes, treating each variant as a feature. Parameters ---------- gn : array_like, shape (`n_variants`, `n_samples`) A 2-dimensional array where each element is a genotype call coded as a single integer counting the number of non-reference alleles. n_components : int, None or string Number of components to keep. If `n_components` is None all components are kept: ``n_components == min(n_samples, n_features)``. If `n_components` == 'mle', Minka's MLE is used to guess the dimension. If 0 < `n_components` < 1, select the number of components such that the amount of variance that needs to be explained is greater than the percentage specified by `n_components`. whiten : bool When True (False by default) the components vectors are divided by n_samples times singular values to ensure uncorrelated outputs with unit component-wise variances. Returns ------- model : ``sklearn.decomposition.PCA`` The fitted model. coords : ndarray, shape (`n_samples`, `n_components`) The result of fitting the model with `genotypes` and applying dimensionality reduction to `genotypes`. See Also -------- sklearn.decomposition.PCA, anhima.ld.ld_prune_pairwise Notes ----- The :func:`anhima.ld.ld_prune_pairwise` can be used to obtain a set of variants in approximate linkage equilibrium prior to running PCA. """ # check inputs gn = np.asarray(gn) assert gn.ndim == 2 # transpose because sklearn expects data as (n_samples, n_features) m = gn.T # set up PCA model = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_components, whiten=whiten, copy=True) # fit the model and apply dimensionality reduction coords = model.fit_transform(m) return model, coords
[docs]def plot_coords(model, coords, pcx=1, pcy=2, ax=None, colors='b', sizes=20, labels=None, scatter_kwargs=None, annotate_kwargs=None): """Scatter plot of transformed coordinates from principal components analysis. Parameters ---------- model : ``sklearn.decomposition.PCA`` The fitted model. coords : ndarray, shape (`n_samples`, `n_components`) The transformed coordinates. pcx : int, optional The principal component to plot on the X axis. N.B., this is one-based, so `1` is the first principal component, `2` is the second component, etc. pcy : int, optional The principal component to plot on the Y axis. N.B., this is one-based, so `1` is the first principal component, `2` is the second component, etc. ax : axes, optional The axes on which to draw. If not provided, a new figure will be created. colors : color or sequence of color, optional Can be a single color format string, or a sequence of color specifications of length `n_samples`. sizes : scalar or array_like, shape (`n_samples`), optional Size in points^2. labels : sequence of strings If provided, will be used to label points in the plot. scatter_kwargs : dict-like Additional keyword arguments passed through to `plt.scatter`. annotate_kwargs : dict-like Additional keyword arguments passed through to `plt.annotate` when labelling points. Returns ------- ax : axes The axes on which the plot was drawn. """ # check inputs coords = np.asarray(coords) assert coords.ndim == 2 # set up axes if ax is None: # make a square figure x = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'][0] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(x, x)) # obtain X and Y data, N.B., `pcx` and `pcy` are 1-based x = coords[:, pcx-1] y = coords[:, pcy-1] # plot points if scatter_kwargs is None: scatter_kwargs = dict() ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors, s=sizes, **scatter_kwargs) # label points if labels is not None: if annotate_kwargs is None: annotate_kwargs = dict() annotate_kwargs.setdefault('xycoords', 'data') annotate_kwargs.setdefault('xytext', (3, 3)) annotate_kwargs.setdefault('textcoords', 'offset points') for l, lx, ly in zip(labels, x, y): if l is not None: ax.annotate(str(l), xy=(lx, ly), **annotate_kwargs) # tidy up ax.set_xlabel('PC%s (%.2f%%)' % (pcx, model.explained_variance_ratio_[pcx-1] * 100)) ax.set_ylabel('PC%s (%.2f%%)' % (pcy, model.explained_variance_ratio_[pcy-1] * 100)) return ax
[docs]def plot_variance_explained(model, bar_kwargs=None, ax=None): """ Parameters ---------- model : ``sklearn.decomposition.PCA`` The fitted model. bar_kwargs : dict-like, optional Additional keyword arguments passed through to ````. ax : axes, optional The axes on which to draw. If not provided, a new figure will be created. Returns ------- ax : axes The axes on which the plot was drawn. """ # set up axes if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # how many components are available # coordinates for bar y = model.explained_variance_ratio_ * 100 # express as percent n = len(y) x = np.arange(n) # plot bar if bar_kwargs is None: bar_kwargs = dict() bar_kwargs.setdefault('width', 1), y, **bar_kwargs) # tidy up ax.set_xticks(x+.5) ax.set_xticklabels(range(1, n+1)) ax.set_xlabel('principal component') ax.set_ylabel('% variance explained') return ax
[docs]def plot_loadings(model, pc=1, pos=None, plot_kwargs=None, ax=None): """ Plot loadings for the given principal component. Parameters ---------- model : ``sklearn.decomposition.PCA`` The fitted model. pc : int, optional The principal component to plot loadings for. N.B., this is one-based, so `1` is the first principal component, `2` is the second component, etc. pos : array_like, int, optional An array of variant positions to use for the X axis, If not given, variant index will be used for the X axis. plot_kwargs : dict-like, optional Additional keyword arguments passed through to ``ax.plot()``. ax : axes, optional The axes on which to draw. If not provided, a new figure will be created. Returns ------- ax : axes The axes on which the plot was drawn. """ # set up axes if ax is None: x = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'][0] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(x, x//3)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # obtain loadings y = model.components_[pc-1, :] # plot them if plot_kwargs is None: plot_kwargs = dict() if pos is not None: assert len(y) == len(pos) ax.plot(pos, y, **plot_kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('position') ax.set_xlim(min(pos), max(pos)) else: ax.plot(y, **plot_kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('variant') ax.set_xlim(0, len(y)) return ax