Source code for anhima.sim

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Extremely naive simulation functions to generate genotype data for
illustration of other features in the ``anhima`` package.


from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

# python standard library dependencies
import random
from anhima.compat import range

# third party dependencies
import numpy as np
import scipy

[docs]def simulate_biallelic_genotypes(n_variants, n_samples, af_dist, p_missing=.1, ploidy=2): """Simulate genotypes at biallelic variants for a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium Parameters ---------- n_variants : int The number of variants. n_samples : int The number of samples. af_dist : frozen continuous random variable The distribution of allele frequencies. p_missing : float, optional The fraction of missing genotype calls. ploidy : int, optional The sample ploidy. Returns ------- genotypes : ndarray, int8 An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = alternate allele). """ # initialise output array genotypes = np.empty((n_variants, n_samples, ploidy), dtype='i1') # generate allele frequencies under the given distribution af = af_dist.rvs(n_variants) # freeze binomial distribution to model missingness miss_dist = scipy.stats.binom(p=p_missing, n=n_samples) # iterate over variants for i, p in zip(range(n_variants), af): # randomly generate alleles under the given allele frequency # ensure p is valid probability p = min(p, 1) alleles = scipy.stats.bernoulli.rvs(p, size=n_samples*ploidy) # reshape alleles as genotypes under the given ploidy genotypes[i] = alleles.reshape(n_samples, ploidy) # simulate some missingness n_missing = miss_dist.rvs() missing_indices = random.sample(range(n_samples), n_missing) genotypes[i, missing_indices] = (-1,) * ploidy return genotypes
[docs]def simulate_genotypes_with_ld(n_variants, n_samples, correlation=0.2): """A very simple function to simulate a set of genotypes, where variants are in some degree of linkage disequilibrium with their neighbours. Parameters ---------- n_variants : int The number of variants to simulate data for. n_samples : int The number of individuals to simulate data for. correlation : float, optional The fraction of samples to copy genotypes between neighbouring variants. Returns ------- gn : ndarray, int8 A 2-dimensional array of shape (n_variants, n_samples) where each element is a genotype call coded as a single integer counting the number of non-reference alleles. """ # initialise an array of random genotypes gn = np.random.randint(size=(n_variants, n_samples), low=0, high=3) gn = gn.astype('i1') # determine the number of samples to copy genotypes for n_copy = int(correlation * n_samples) # introduce linkage disequilibrium by copying genotypes from one sample to # the next for i in range(1, n_variants): # randomly pick the samples to copy from sample_indices = random.sample(range(n_samples), n_copy) # view genotypes from the previous variant for the selected samples c = gn[i-1, sample_indices] # randomly choose whether to invert the correlation inv = random.randint(0, 1) if inv: c = 2-c # copy across genotypes gn[i, sample_indices] = c return gn
[docs]def simulate_relatedness(genotypes, relatedness=.5, n_iter=1000, copy=True): """ Simulate relatedness by randomly copying genotypes between individuals. Parameters ---------- genotypes : array_like An array of shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) where each element of the array is an integer corresponding to an allele index (-1 = missing, 0 = reference allele, 1 = first alternate allele, 2 = second alternate allele, etc.). relatedness : float, optional Fraction of variants to copy genotypes for. n_iter : int, optional Number of times to randomly copy genotypes between individuals. copy : bool, optional If False, modify `genotypes` in place. Returns ------- genotypes : ndarray, shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) The input genotype array but with relatedness simulated. """ # check genotypes array genotypes = np.asarray(genotypes) assert genotypes.ndim >= 2 n_variants = genotypes.shape[0] n_samples = genotypes.shape[1] # copy input array if copy: genotypes = genotypes.copy() else: # modify in place pass # determine the number of variants to copy genotypes for n_copy = int(relatedness * n_variants) # iteratively introduce relatedness for i in range(n_iter): # randomly choose donor and recipient donor_index = random.randint(0, n_samples-1) donor = genotypes[:, donor_index] recip_index = random.randint(0, n_samples-1) recip = genotypes[:, recip_index] # randomly pick a set of variants to copy variant_indices = random.sample(range(n_variants), n_copy) # copy across genotypes recip[variant_indices] = donor[variant_indices] return genotypes